Economics & Empire

Will There Be Zombies?

But that is not so with computers, for no matter how many doctorates one holds in computer science, at some point the system disappears into a world of magic.

Reconquista and the Gospel

Those who believe themselves above primitive nativist loyalty should take care, lest they be discovered worse than infidels for falling short of it.

The Future of Democracy in America

This week I have been lecturing at the Ignatianum Academy in Krakow, Poland. It has been a marvelous experience thus far, including time spent...

Comcast’s Revenge

Am I, someone hostile to large-scale corporate enterprises, really permitted to complain about a localist glitch in Comcast’s global footprint?

Waking Up, Smelling the Constitutional Coffee

Wichita, KS Dahlia Lithwick and Ezra Klein are a couple of my favorite pundits in the whole blogosphere. Lithwick is snarky, and Klein is wonky,...

Simplicity “Bleg”

I'd like to call upon the collective wisdom of the Front Porch Republic, to help me with a new class I'll be teaching in...

Regret Minimization

Jeremy Grantham is paid to make people money. Among his clients is Dick Cheney, who, based on Grantham's advice, was well-positioned before the...

He Deserved It

Wichita, KS That's a terribly unChristian thing to say, I know. To speak in moral terms--to speak of "desert"--in matters of war is to invariably...

The Mosh-Pit of Philosophy, the Pedestal of Science, and a Plate...

Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of addressing the ISI Conference at Taylor University, “Whose Capitalism? Which Free Market? Exploring the Moral Dimensions of...

Untaxing the Virtues

What the political mainstream ignores, unsurprisingly, is that any change in how we raise revenue cannot be only about balancing the numbers. It also involves judgements about the texture of society and the virtues that habits of livelihood can inculcate or destroy.