In Praise of Communitarian-not Corporate-Baseball
As Kauffman tells Bardenwerper, perhaps being cut loose from MLB will turn out to be a blessing.
Freedom and Friendliness in Byung-Chul Han: A Critical Introduction
Why does our relationship with technology seem so unhealthy?
What a Victorian Novel Teaches Us about Friendship and Civil Order
America has a crisis of friendship
Tolkien, Philosopher of War
Tolkien offers a cautious approval of brutalist buildings and a full-throated one of trees.
Between Spirituality and Literature
The resulting work is by turns wise and questioning, witty and candid, self-effacing and impassioned.
Let us Converse Together (Without Our Phones)
Bilbro’s book is a careful study through profound literary texts about how we live in a world that has no patience for careful study through profound literary texts.
Minding Laurie Johnson’s Gap
President Trump has been in office a month as of today, and the maelstrom of orders and actions which he has taken has elicited...
On Nosferatu, Moloch, and AI
Sometimes, it’s okay to be scared. At the very worst, it’s just a story.