The Nightstand

“Ora et Anti-Labora”? Kathryn Tanner on Finance Capitalism

The mighty cosmos of the modern economic order determines, with overwhelming coercion, the style of life not only of those directly involved in business but of...

Fighting Demons, Liberal and Otherwise

We like to flatter ourselves that we live in extraordinary times.  Every four years, for example, we are told that this presidential election is “the...

Toward a Somewhere Suburb

In his 2017 book The Road to Somewhere: The Populist Revolt and the Future of Politics, British commentator David Goodhart seeks to understand the recent...

What Urban Liberals Might Learn From Rural Rebels

Loka Ashwood, a rural sociologist at Auburn University, visited The Land Institute in Salina, KS, last September, and gave a presentation on her then...

American Conservatism, and the Socialist Specter Which Haunts It Still

Back in February, Rod Dreher shared with his readers an idea for a new book: to introduce conservative Christians in America to "the warnings...

Feeding the World from the Bottom Up

It is natural and normal, when looking at big problems, to look for big answers. Problems do not come much bigger than the subject...

Pilgrims Longing for Home

As someone who appreciates the value of place, rootedness, and limitations on my horizon of vision, I’m afflicted with deep sense of unease as...

Rethinking the Local vs. Global Divide

In Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climatic Regime, Bruno Latour provides a challenging but potentially hopeful take on why climate denial continues to...

The Crisis of Love in a Global Age

Any longtime reader of Wendell Berry’s work recognizes two of the many animating forces that give his writing its emotional resonance. These two forces,...

Narrating the Tradition of Liberalism’s Anti-Tradition

Criticizing the current liberal order is a popular activity. Authors such as Patrick Deneen, Rod Dreher, D.C. Schindler, Mark Lilla, Johnathan Haidt, and Jordan...