For Nancy French-ism
This is the story of a bruised soul touched by grace but still frustrated by the passivity that others continue to show in response to the unspeakable.
The Excellence (and Implications) of Escaping the Housing Trap
All of this only touches the surface of Escaping the Housing Trap’s arguments and only begins the many productive discussions that should—and hopefully will!—follow in its wake. Buy and read the book, and join with your neighbors in talking about how Strong Towns can help make your community a place that can house all who need it.
Laughter is Courageous: A Review of Empire Between the Lines
As such, these papers provide the means for understanding how imperial concerns shaped the way Entente soldiers perceived themselves and the war. But even more importantly to my mind, the papers provide a window into the human soul and how humor springs eternal in the human breast, even in the most inhuman conditions imaginable.
Travels in Exotic Nebraska: A Review of American Harvest
The book is at its best when it embraces a more generous spirit. If one wishes to learn about traveling grain harvesters and to follow a literary description of the landscape, one will find it here.
Thinking About Wendell Berry’s Leftist Lament (and More)
Wendell Berry’s sprawling, uneven, brilliant, and sometimes frustrating The Need to Be Whole: Patriotism and the History of Prejudice will likely not, I think,...
Public Enemy #1?: Smartphones and a Generation at Risk
Haidt’s book is a tour de force. I can give it no higher praise than to say I wish we could put this book in the hands of every parent, teacher, school administrator, schoolboard member, and legislator in the country. Haidt convincingly shows that mobile technology—mostly but not exclusively smartphones—does not just correlate with all these dire mental health trends but indeed contributes to causation.
“I Wouldn’t Take Nothing for It”: An Appreciation of Love for...
“Heeding lessons from farmers who persist in place, we can embrace these virtues. Rather than give up or get out, we can dig in. Rather than go big, we can go home."
Frog and Toad Might Just Be Friends…and That’s Okay
If we fail to recognize friendship for what it is, and for the role it plays in the maturation process of children and young adults, we lose out on a world that is diverse in the relationships it values
At Home with Dragons
The past is not completely lost to us, and the fascination with fantastic beasts remains.