Not My Hometown
Let it not be said that FPR indiscriminately supports "localism." I believe that all my compatriots here would agree that this is one...
FPR v. PoMoCon, Part Deux
Some heat and even some light have been generated in the numerous comments that followed upon my original posting in which I threw some...
The Old School
My review of Jonathan Zimmerman's Small Wonder: The Little Red Schoolhouse in History and Memory appears in today's Wall Street Journal ("In One Room, Many...
Southern Adulteration
Devon, PA. I have had only a few hours to appreciate the spectacle of talking-heads devouring the carrion of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's...
Let’s Get Rid of the Economy of Growth
Cold Spring, NY--It's getting worse and worse, and the wizards don't have a clue. They don't even know the economy is broken-and can't be...
Talking Chicken
New Castle, Kentucky. "Simplify, simplify," said Henry David Thoreau in one of his more peaceable moments, and I repeat it through gritted teeth as...
Capitalism as an Unnatural System
Ever since capitalism made its appearance in the late Middle Ages and came to dominate both production and politics in the late 18th century,...
Michael Jackson’s Front Porch Moment Okay, so he never did go back to Indiana, back to where he started from. And it's too bad the Jackson 5 didn't...
Teenagers, Gratitude, and a Culture of Affluence
Holland, MI. Like many readers, or perhaps more accurately, like many readers with children, I read with great interest Mark Mitchell’s piece on “Cultivating...
Robert Nisbet’s Quest
Seattle, WA Robert Nisbet's 1953 book The Quest for Community has rightfully achieved that rare and estimable status of "classic." What Nisbet saw more...