
April 15

Princeton, NJ I have to admit, I have been finding it difficult to write much of anything of late. This is a...

Ain’t No Anglos at the Park

PHOENIX, AZ. If you know me, and if you are not my insurance agent, you may also know that I occasionally enjoy a good...

The Dismal Science vs. Community

  RINGOES, NJ. In 1944 two very different but related books were published. The first was F.A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom. In a...

The Wise Old Œconomist

Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Before it became a science of supply and demand and the circulation of commodities, economics was originally understood as the...

Life Amid the Suicide Machines

JEFFERSON COUNTY, KANSAS.  In small town America, business owners get to sponsor everything from the high school wrestling team to the "pride committee" chili...

Does the Way of Improvement Lead Home?

First, let me extend my greetings to the readers of the Front Porch Republic. I have been following conversations here at FPR since...

Sex, Eschatology, and Everyday Life

Devon, PA.  I have contended that the two most vocal sources of outrage at Pope Benedict XVI's remark about the deleterious role of condoms...

TAC Counter-Programming on Tea-Party Day

FPR readers should certainly check out the American Conservative today.  First, they have a new essay up by Dermot Quinn on the relationship of...

How To Tie a Tie

Claremont, CA - I don't know how to tie a tie. But now I know that I am not alone. Do this: On Google, type...

The Cincinnatus of Thrift

Russell Arben Fox remembers well his thrifty grandmother, and so do I, and so do you, perhaps.  For the rest of the nation there...