
The (“Post-“) Modern Cave: An Allegory of the University

Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Imagine human beings brought up from childhood in a cave, bound fast with their heads all facing one direction. On...

Hurt So Good

Reach Out and Text Someone

ROCK ISLAND Now that all public space is the exclusive property of cell-phone users and the deaf people they talk to, a jeremiad is in...

The Long Run

Alexandria, VA It has become a commonplace to observe that the thought of John Maynard Keynes is back in fashion. Keynes argued strenuously on...

On the Agripositive Side. . . .

Milford, Indiana. We'll take what we can get. In this mysterious, sky-drenched land of contradiction--where letter jackets are still common and a tapas bar, of...

Mr. Herbert’s Sunday Morning Service

Devon, PA.  Most people, agrarian or otherwise, do not read poetry anymore.  Ours is not merely a forgetful culture, but one that has long...

Good for Gottfried

And good for Pa. State Rep. Samuel Rohrer, about whom I know nothing. Nor do I know why such a rally for states' rights...

It was 20 Years Ago Today…Edward Abbey Lives!

BURNED-OVER DISTRICT, NY--Edward Abbey died twenty years ago today. A product of the perfectly named Home, Pennsylvania, son of the conjugation of a Woman’s...

Political Friendship in a Facebook World

JEFFERSON COUNTY, KANSAS.  Everyone here seems to pretty much agree that we are in a pickle.  The symptoms are there for anyone to see. ...

The Rationality of the Doctrine of Creation

Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. This is not an argument for intelligent design. It is, however, an argument that creation is the only scientifically acceptable...