
Lament for a Post-National Canada

"Canada has become a country much practiced at outrage."

Gárces’s Travels: A Review of Jeremy Beer’s Beyond the Devil’s Road

Much might be said about the neglect of the history of the American Southwest

Harr’ today, gone tomorrow

However, the widespread association of these events with the closing of the Hotel Harrington has overshadowed the preceding history of the hotel

Hannibal is at the Gates: Gambling in America

With the current state of sports betting, companies have managed to secure a largely unregulated, highly profitable, vice-driven field of operations.

Philosophy in the Ruins

As long as we do live philosophical lives and share in that life with others, we can sprout a philosophical culture from the ruins of the one dominated by the philistines.

Marking the Year on Two Calendars: An Interview with Matthew Miller

Knowledge is a path to love, and so I’m bound to say that the book did change my affection for the place.

Facing a New Year of Grief

Grief is not a process to work through, a disorder to heal, a condition to treat, or an illness to cure.

The Hope of the American Republic: Local Coffee Shops

Because of coffee’s popularity, coffee shops can draw people together like very few other modern institutions.

Educating Hands for Human Flourishing? or Economic Growth?

"Opportunities that were not available to some due to race, socioeconomic class, or gender became available through industrial education efforts"

A Larger Category Than Political Allegiance

Humanity should remain a larger category than political allegiance even as we openly—and, one hopes, bravely—discuss and work through our politics.