Politics & Power

Monarchy and the American Constitution

The American Constitution, as it was originally written and understood, is the most monarchical-democratic document in the modern world.

Monarchy and Regalism

A thing without proper limits becomes its own opposite, and benevolence quickly becomes a tyranny which threatens both civil and religious order.

Why I am a Monarchist

herefore, it behooves me to cut directly to the chase, and state very clearly why I am a monarchist: “I am a monarchist because I am a democrat.”

Home of the Brave?

At what price security? A call for national fortitude.

In Defense of Culture

In which "culture" is distinguished from our contemporary "anti-culture."

The Tea Party and the TSA

The idea that the best way to reform government is to simply say "No!" is probably a bad idea...but for the TSA, I'll make an exception.

Half a LaFollette’s Better than None

Jesse Walker of Reason is bummed that Russ Feingold lost: http://reason.com/blog/2010/11/03/a-farewell-to-feingold. So am I.

The Infinitesimal Fraction, or, the Swindle of Consent

Where does that leave us? With the difficult job of recovering the sturdy Jeffersonian virtues of the freeman—virtues of thrift, being rooted in one’s place, hard work, pride of ownership, the orderly use of time, fierce independence of spirit, self-sufficiency, charity towards one’s neighbor, a refusal to bend the knee to any master, membership in a communal identity, and a return to family economies that place a strong incentive on having children.

Good Work

The election offers us false choices - again.

Rootedness & Rand Paul

What does it mean to be a Kentuckian, or a Kentucky senator? Does place have any place in a national election?