I’ll Trade You 750 Hubert Humphreys for One Henrik Shipstead
My latest column from the American Conservative: http://www.amconmag.com/blog/slogans-heroes.
Saul Sung True
From The American Conservative, Reason's Jesse Walker on Nicholas von Hoffman's Saul Alinsky.
Rev. Jones and the Bonfire of his Vanity
Can modern Islam countenance freedom of religion and expression? This is one of the great questions of our time.
Democracy as Spectacle: The Messianic Compulsions of our Republic
Americans do not need a Messiah because this nation is not Heaven on Earth.
Neo-Feudalism and the Invisible Fist
So how did we get to a situation where the “freedom of markets” has come to mean “servility” and corporate control?
Your Huddled Masses, Yearning To Make Par
I people really want to see the current state of the union, they need to take a look at my favorite part of Liberty State Park, which is the fact that it recently has been bisected – rent in two – by the Liberty National Golf Course.
No Flipping
But not to be missed in this story is the recognition that no matter how much the government wants to empower and affirm everyone equally, you cannot fool the American sports fan.
Islam and America: The President’s Fictitious History
It is characteristic of the tyrant, however, that he thinks he can get away with lies in the sense that no one will contradict them even when his statements are transparently untrue.