Egalitarian Western Liberals & The July 20 Plot
Though he had passionately opposed Hitler from the very beginning and had striven to protect the helpless from the SS, neither Americans nor English shed many tears for Moltke when he was put to death by the Führer’s henchmen in 1945.
The Boy Scouts Win One for Moms, Apple Pie, and the...
If all groups were forced to comply with the anti-discrimination policies of the federal government, conceivably churches could not exclude unbelievers, wine clubs would have to be open to tee-totalers, and neighborhood associations would be forced to include non-residents.
Gutshot in the Gulf: The Information Age Springs a Definitive Leak
This leak at the bottom of the sea is a mirror held up to our uncomprehending selves.
CLS v Martinez, Again
I am going to try something largely inadvisable and possibly impossible, which is to explain the Court’s speech related First Amendment jurisprudence in accessible layman’s terms.
Swimming with Sharks
Today many Americans seem smitten with the notion that Washington holds the answer to the many dangers circling in the water.
More on CLS vs. Martinez
CLS vs. Martinez is part of a long-term effort to eviscerate all fundamental human associations. Only the radical individual and global state are regarded as legitimate.
Up Against the Wall
No one was barred from the conversation back when there was a conversation. No dispatch ever read, “Wingnut Henry David Thoreau today issued a manifesto from his compound near Walden Pond…”
Knowing One’s Place at the Ballot Box
The prevailing model of local voting has deep defects, which often work against strong communities. The modern standard is one person, one vote, one place. While this standard is simple, it leads to outcomes that run against common sense.
Philanthropic freedom, freedom of association, and CLS v. Martinez
I hope that a Porcher will react at length to today's dispiriting, but not too surprising, Supreme Court ruling in CLS v. Martinez, which...
Mobilizing on the Left: Progressivism, Populism, and the Language of Political...
Progressives must re-learn to advocate for community self-determination, and work to link political activity on this level to national politics.