Politics & Power

At Least Small Communities Are Human

That's the point made darn well by Stefan McDaniel as part of his response to globalization defenders (the link will take you back to...


This article caught my attention yesterday - our hunger for electricity to power our "personal electronics" has grown so insatiable that very soon the...

Go to the Ant

Jon Stewart's take down of ACORN is quite funny, but as a friend of mine said this morning, the real story is that anyone...

This Age of Christian Martyrs

Devon, PA. Everyone knows the "secularization hypothesis" of the West; the only difference between one person and another is whether one also knows that...

The Rebirth of Conservatism

Kearneysville, WV. Barack Obama was swept into office as a firm and unmistakable repudiation of George W. Bush. After enduring the longest war in...

The Recovery of American Beauty

Holland, MI The present age remains haunted by the specter of “atheism,” with significant consequences for our understanding of politics. I think we can...

Sensible libertarian points . . .

made once again by Jesse Walker, in re the prez and the kids. He says here in about 400 words just about everything that...

9-11 and the Cloud of Overwhelming Force

Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, 9-11-09. Eight years ago today, and in the days immediately following, Americans found themselves bewildered. An unprecedented mood had...

Mobbed Up: When Turning the Other Cheek Only Gains Another Slap

Washington, Ct. In his wonderful 1974 book entitled The Roots of American Order, Russell Kirk remarks upon the British and how they are able...

Would Natty Bumpo Have a Crisis on his Hands if his...

Washington, CT. The unanimously anointed Soothsayer of the American Republic, Alexis de Tocqueville is deservedly credited with divining the essential and lasting traits of...