The Worst?
2020 has certainly had real trials and tribulations, but our approach to it is also reflective of a culture in which everything disliked has long been “the worst.”
Some Possibly Helpful Thoughts on Localism, Populism, and Proximity During a...
The departure of Donald Trump from the White House will assuredly not mean the departure of Trumpism from American life. The collection of...
The Promise and Forgiveness of Hillbilly Elegy
Hillbilly Elegy is indeed political, but in a deeper sense, entangled as it is in the webs of broken promises and repeated forgiveness.
Max Picard’s Silence
Perhaps, without silence for a reference point—something out there that reminds us of our place in the big order of things—the masters of information feel free to shade, obscure, or otherwise manipulate their messages.
Jacques Barzun’s 1937 Critique of Race-Thinking
On the heels of a consequential election, and the accompanying commentary demonstrating the continued pervasiveness of race-thinking, Barzun’s message of honoring each human individual’s value while recognizing our shared common humanity is a timely and timeless message.
It’s a Federalist’s World, After All
Amidst the ongoing chaos and conflict over the 2020 presidential election, and vote tabulating methodologies in particular, let’s remember—and celebrate—that so far it is really only federalism that has won the day.
A Country Boy Can Thrive
You can leave your corner of the country without escaping it. And these memoirs testify to the importance of bringing something back.
The Power of Proximity
In television and movies, heroes often push away the ones they love, because relationships can be obstacles or endangering for one or both parties. But what if love is not a liability, but a force greater than gravity?
The Long Road to National Healing
The rancor of this political season provides a diversion from the hard and serious work that must be done to reverse the great unraveling that America is experiencing.
An Appeal to Millennials: Don’t Waste your Vote on the Lesser...
Supporting a third party is one way of advocating for long-term, structural change.