What Urban Liberals Might Learn From Rural Rebels
Loka Ashwood, a rural sociologist at Auburn University, visited The Land Institute in Salina, KS, last September, and gave a presentation on her then...
Why Heidegger Stayed in the Provinces—and Why it is Not Time...
In 1934, the philosopher Martin Heidegger, tired of his ill-inclined maneuvering to become the celebrity intellectual who would steer the Nazi Party into greatness,...
American Conservatism, and the Socialist Specter Which Haunts It Still
Back in February, Rod Dreher shared with his readers an idea for a new book: to introduce conservative Christians in America to "the warnings...
The Promise of the Green New Deal
For all its current weaknesses, the GND is an effort to “solve for pattern” as Wendell Berry recommends.
Being Present on the Porch
I was not on board the FPR train early enough to be considered one of its engineers. I met Mark Mitchell at a conference...
And Then Begin Again With What Remains: A 10-Year FPR...
On the tenth anniversary of FPR we must admit a little sadly that we’re still relevant.
Front Porch Republic at 10
Hidden Springs Lane, VA
In the spring of 2009, when the economic crisis of the previous year was continuing to unfold, a group of academics...
The Original Front Porch
This month marks the 10th anniversary of the Front Porch Republic. To honor the occasion, we'll be running a few essays by some of...
The Green New Deal Comes Home
The risks associated with global warming are real, if chronically overstated by many on the left, and the response will require a soberness that is sorely lacking across the political spectrum.
The Saint of the City Goes Rural: Dorothy Day and the...
In the Christian imagination, Dorothy Day looms as one of the 20th century’s great saints. A Communist convert to Christianity and co-founder of the...