The Stump

Notes on Nike

An honest question: why was Zoolander III: Kendall Jenner and Pepsi Notice Some Serious Issues laughed into shameful corners of the internet immediately while...

A Primer on Digital Thinking Part 2: Eliminating the Human Element

In Part 1, I outlined the basic difference between counting and measuring and gave some examples of how data is not always objectively derived....

The Facebookification of Local Politics: Extending the Wall of the Bathroom...

In 2014, Cambridge Analytica used an app called thisisyourdigitallife to surreptitiously obtain data from 50 million Facebook accounts. They then used all of this information...

A Primer on Digital Thinking: Part 1 Counting and Measuring

The basic distinction between digital and analog is that digital means you count something and analog means you measure something. We can easily count...

Culture as the Discovery of Meaning

The resurgent debate between Christians that defend classical liberalism and those that critique liberalism tout court has been deeply instructive. This debate, however, threatens to...

Chesterton and Belloc are not Enough

In preparing a new volume of essays titled Who Owns America? A New Declaration of Independence (1936), Allen Tate and Herbert Agar sought to extend...
Cotton postcard

Free Labor: The Liberation Theology of Capitalism

Capitalism as Theology In his seminal work, The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, Michael Novak provides his readers with a “Theology of Democratic Capitalism.”1 Now, some...

Catastrophe, Technology, Limits, and Localism

Charles C. Mann's The Wizard and the Prophet, published earlier this year, is a fabulous book. Not a perfect book; sometimes, in order to...

Social Isolation as the Fruit of Liberalism

Loneliness is on the rise. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among young people. Our social media networks may number in...

A Flexible Disposition

In 2018, to discuss America’s future is to discuss uncertainty. It is true, of course, that talking about the future—a predictive game dependent on...