The Stump

Why Anti-Liberalism Fails

The Failures of Liberalism The intellectual critique of liberalism is coextensive with liberalism itself, going back at least as far as Giambattista Vico’s dispute with...

What Wendell Berry’s Brush Teaches Us About Capitalism, Community, and “Inevitability”

The Art of Loading Brush: New Agrarian Writings, the latest collection of writings by Wendell Berry, isn't a perfect book, nor the perfect expression...

The New Yorker’s Latest Contribution to Trumpian Populism

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. --George Orwell, Animal Farm This past Thursday, I opened my mailbox and saw...

Identity and Ethnos in Socrates’s Athens: A Response to Jordan Wales

Jordan Wales has recently gifted the conservative movement a sober and justly-timed critique of Richard Spencer and the alt-right. Unfortunately, much of the analysis...

Technology and the Virtues: Scale Matters

When an autonomous Uber vehicle struck and killed a pedestrian in Arizona, Uber suspended its fleet of self-driving cars and assured everyone that it...

Communal Self-Reliance: A Tie to Bind Black and White

Two recent incidents have made clear to me how the culture wars can stultify the fecund complexity of our common life. Recently, my wife...

Learning from The Left Behind

Robert Wuthnow's new book, The Left Behind: Decline and Rage in Rural America, is the best book I've read on the rural-urban divide in...

The Practice of Attachment and A Comprehensive Social Order

Shortly after Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, Columbia University professor Mark Lilla took to the pages of the New York Times to offer...

Good News and Bad News

As always, the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. On the good side of the ledger, the facts seem incontrovertible: more and more people...

What is Liberty Anyway?

Patrick Deneen’s new book, Why Liberalism Failed, is a manifesto in defense of place, limits, and liberty. And the amount of attention it’s received...