George A. Panichas, RIP
George A. Panichas, literary critic and longtime editor of Modern Age, has died at the age of 79.
David Brooks on Phillip Blond
David Brooks offers an unstinting positive assessment of Phillip Blond's alternative to the current Left/Right alignment.
Milliner on Wilson, Wilson on Gioia: Catholic Intellectuals and Modern Culture
Matthew J. Milliner explicates "Art and Beauty," while Dana Gioia wins Notre Dame's Laetare Medal
Civic Friendship
Is there a place for friendship in politics? According to ancient theory - one that continued well into modern times - not only should friendship be a main aim of politics, but without that aim, a distinctly modern form of tyranny is the likely result.
Meditation on the Cold
Lovers of snow and cold are qualitatively different from the lovers of sun and surf; they are different moral beings altogether.
Blood and Tobacco: Robert Penn Warren’s “Night Rider”
Men cut off from their origins and alienated from their selves become desperate, and desperate men do desperate deeds.
The Bar Jester’s Unpremeditated Verse
But as a profound poet trying to make a comfortable living I can’t really trouble myself about that fit audience though few. . . . Were I to start thinking about poetry in the social context, I’d be sliding down that slippery slope toward place, limits, and liberty. And then what? Localism? God help us!
The Heart of Light and the Heart of Darkness
He is resigned to the inertia of the old Spanish cult, and willing to just let it fade away. The voluptuousness of European culture had no way to gain traction in the purity of the New Mexican desert.
Local Bookstores and the Writers Who Love Them
Devon, PA. My old friend and classmate, Jeremiah Chamberlin, writes in to the FPR ombudsman of a new venture he has undertaken to help...