Dante, Influencers, and Replanting
“The 60-Year-Old Scientific Screwup That Helped Covid Kill.” Megan Molteni tells a fascinating and disturbing story about the complicated ways in which medical research...
FPR Reader Survey
As we’ve been working on projects and making plans, FPR editors and board members decided it would help us if we knew a bit...
Love, Tyranny, and Names
“In Defense of Jane Austen.” Dwight Lindley III responds to a recent controversy over Austen and suggests that we follow her own example in...
Truth, Dedication, and Wonder
“The Cross and the Machine.” Paul Kingsnorth narrates his unlikely conversion to Christianity in a very Porcher key:
I realized that a crisis of limits...
Mother Trees, Vaccines, and Charles Péguy
“Finding the Mother Tree: An Interview with Suzanne Simard.” In this interview with Emergence Magazine, Simard talks about her work on fungal networks and forest...
Os Guinness on Liberty and Hope
Prolific author and social critic Os Guinness discusses the current challenges for liberty and his hopes for the future. The Chinese-born, English-educated, Irish-rooted scholar...
Associational Life, Liberal Arts Farmers, and Forgiveness
“Bread and Circuses: The Replacement of American Community Life.” Lyman Stone has a lengthy new report on recent shifts in American associational life: “The...
Erik Bootsma On Traditional Architecture
My guest is Erik Bootsma a classical architect who specializes in ecclesiastical architecture. Erik was trained at the University of Notre Dame School of...
Summer Distributism Discussion
This summer Laurie M. Johnson, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Primary Texts Certificate at Kansas State University, will be leading an...
Mass Uprooting, Guilds, and the Classics
“The Turning Point.” Carlo Lancellotti draws on the work of Italian philosopher Augusto Del Noce to supplement recent sociological descriptions of our individualistic society:...