Books, Bibles, & Murder with J. Mark Bertrand
J. Mark Bertrand is the author of the Roland March mystery trilogy and the purveyor of the aforementioned Bible Design Blog. But Mark has...
Precedents, Technosolutionism, and A Hidden Life
“Why I Choose Rural.” Benya Kraus explains why she chose to move to rural Minnesota after graduating from college: “Though I spent my childhood...
Prospects for Localism: An FPR Conversation
The FPR leadership has decided to make a foray into a new medium (for us). And given this transitional moment in American politics, this...
Fantasies, a City on the Hill, and Baking Bread
“Failures of Leadership in a Populist Age.” In an essay that rings even more true after the events of Wednesday, Yuval Levin warns would-be...
Happiness, Regionalism, and Jefferson’s Bible
“If Mr. Kristof Is Taking Names, Apple Should Be Next.” Anthony Barr points out the profit-generated blind spot that permits Apple, Disney, and other...
A Virtual Book Club for a Civil Economy
In this season for making resolutions, perhaps this opportunity might help those of you who want to read more books in 2021. I'm delighted...
Abundance, Wilderness, and Algorithms
Merry Christmas, Porchers! Thanks for joining us in this virtual space throughout what has certainly been an interesting year. While we missed our yearly...
William Newton On Enjoying & Living With Art
Art critic William Newton joins me in this episode to discuss how to approach art. How to learn about it, appreciate it, and also...
Daniel Rattelle On Poetry, Place, and Berry & Merton
Poet Dan Rattelle joins the podcast to discuss his new collection Commonwealth from Little Gidding Press. We discuss the idea of place and how...
On the Difficulty of Civic Friendship and Unity in an Angry...
With the hope that the self-promotion involved doesn't obviate whatever potential value the words written may convey, here is something I wrote, which I'd...