Ducks, Hitler, and Gridlock
“The Place of Tides by James Rebanks Review—Ducking Out of a Midlife Crisis.” Helen Davies praises Rebanks’s “quietly profound book. It is a story...
2025 Front Porch Republic Student Essay Contest
We're announcing a student essay contest! If you're a student, consider submitting an essay, and if you know any students, encourage them to apply.
Children, Pawpaws, and Ticks
“Against Killing Children.” In a new essay, Wendell Berry speaks against the violence on which our machine age runs and invites us to imagine...
FPR Conference Ideas?
As we make plans for next year's conference, we're inviting input from Porchers regarding what you might value in upcoming gatherings. Whether you're a...
Civility in Grand Rapids
Thanks to all who joined us for a wonderful gathering in Grand Rapids last weekend. On Friday evening, Jeff Polet and Ross Douthat conversed...
Eduard Habsburg On Building Families
My guest once again is His Imperial and Royal Highness, His Excellency Eduard Habsburg, Archduke of Austria and Ambassador of Hungary to The Holy...
Berry, MacIntyre, and Screens
“News from the Berry Center.” The Berry Center fall newsletter provides updates on their ongoing work, and Mary Berry’s opening letter serves as a...
Work, Repair, and Reading
“In Defiance of All Powers.” Peter Mommsen introduces Plough’s new issue on Freedom. It looks quite promising, but my physical copy hasn’t arrived yet,...
TN BBQ with FPR and DO Friends
Brian Miller (author of Kayaking with Lambs) is hosting a BBQ at his farm outside Philadelphia, TN with some Doomer Optimism friends. They'll be...
Yuval Levin on Our Constitution
The AEI scholar and author of American Covenant joins John to talk about a document that he believes could unify we the people, again.
1:30 ...