
Big Tech, History’s Arc, and Secession

“The Irony of the Google Antitrust Suit.” Franklin Foer writes that the government’s suit against Google is long overdue and marks the end of...

Russell Kirk and More with Bradley Birzer

Welcome to the first episode of Cultural Debris, released on Russell Kirk's 102nd birthday! Dr. Bradley Birzer of Hillsdale College is my guest as we...

Meritocracy, the Wingfeather Saga, and Civility

“What if Local and Diverse Is Better Than Networked and Global?” Damien Cave profiles Helena Norberg-Hodge and her work with Local Futures for the New...

Introduction to Cultural Debris

If you like Russell Kirk, Wendell Berry, the Inklings, the Agrarians, and the Distributists then you may like this podcast. I will interview guests and...

Humanity, Fraternity, and a Wisdom that is Woe

“Our Humanity Depends on the Things We Don’t Sell.” In a profound essay, Mary Harrington links such apparently disparate topics as strip-mining, prostitution, and...

Liberal Arts, Institutions, and Truth

“The Forgotten Front Porch Is Making a Comeback.” Spike Carlsen notes a promising development: “Thanks to the pandemic, the front porch is enjoying a...

Fly-Fishing, Patient Ambition, and Healing the Wounds

“The Market Made Me Do It: The Scandal of the Evangelical College.” Eric Miller draws on the example of the institution I’ve taught at—Spring...

Book Exhibit, Bison, and Homeschooling

“Notre Dame Press Virtual Book Exhibit.” Steve Wrinn and the University of Notre Dame Press are regulars at FPR conferences. Since we had to...

Affability, Simone Weil, and Cassiodorus

“Jason Peters Writes to Entertain his Friends and Exasperate his Enemies.” Bill Kauffman is the perfect reviewer for Jason’s new book. Read the review,...

Infected Brand Ambassadors, Corporate Clergy, and Anarchy

“How to Save British Farming (and the Countryside).” This summer I read James Rebanks’s new book English Pastoral. My short take is that it’s excellent....