The Water Dipper

English Land Ownership, The Overstory, and Artificial Intelligence

“Winning the Peace.” Part reflection on C.S. Lewis’s “Learning in War-Time” and part a response to Alan Jacobs’s The Year of Our Lord 1943, Christopher...

Madeleine L’Engle, Slow Media, and Populism

“A Flourishing Tree.” Tamara Hill Murphy reviews Placemaker: Cultivating Places of Comfort, Beauty, and Peace by Christie Purifoy, a book that circles “round and round the...

Monsanto, the Heartland Forum, and Becoming Creaturely

“The Center Holds.” Nicole M. King reviews The Midwestern Moment: The Forgotten World of Early Twentieth-Century Midwestern Regionalism, 1880-1940, edited by Jon K. Lauck, for...

The Table, Topsoil, and the Midwest

Plough Quarterly No. 20: The Welcome Table. The Spring issue of Plough Quarterly is online and has many essays of interest to Porchers. To mention just...

Dairy Farmers, Nebraska, and the Common Good

"Sealed in Blood: Aristopopulism and the City of Man.” Susannah Black wrote a small book in response to Patrick Deneen’s recent talk on aristopopulism....

Caretaking, Decadence, and Widow Places

“Caretaking.” There are many gems in this conversation between Wendell Berry and Helena Norberg-Hodge in Orion Magazine. Here’s one from Berry: My quarrel with “movements,” and...

Aristopopulism, Partisan Divides, and John Ruskin

Make plans to join FPR in Louisville on September 14th for our fall conference: Paying Tribute to Wendell Berry. "The Integralist Mirroring of Liberal Ideals."...

Seeds, Workism, and Stoner

“Seeding Control to Big Ag.” Gracy Olmstead marvels at the wonders of seeds and explains the complex history by which a few large companies...

The Invisible Hand, Context, and Farm Robots

“Liberalism and the Invisible Hand.” Adrian Vermeule’s essay in American Affairs is worth printing and reading with care. He argues that “the key hallmarks or notes...

Green New Deal, Tech Utopia, and Faith

“Growing a Green New Deal: Agriculture’s Role in Economic Justice and Ecological Sustainability.” Fred Iutzi and Robert Jensen consider the promise and peril of...