Stagnation, War, and Tyranny
“Where Can You Go to Grad School Without Going to Grad School?” Cat Zhang describes how The Brooklyn Institute for Social Research strives to...
Home, Thanksgiving, and Mania
“Home Is Where One Starts From.” J.C. Scharl praises art that comes from and in turn feeds a commitment to a particular place: “Art...
Michigan, Las Vegas, and Willa Cather
“George Scialabba’s Prejudice for Progress.” Come for Sam Adler-Bell’s summary of Scialabba’s appraisal of modernity, stay for his paean to the way Scialabba models...
Chicken, Water, and Elections
“Oiling the Chicken Machine.” Garth Brown brings his typically thoughtful and balanced perspective to bear on the question of lab grown meat. As he...
Chalk, Fungi, and Goldenrod
We’ve posted videos of the conference talks. We’ll also release audio versions via the Brass Spittoon podcast in the coming weeks.
“Porch Sittin'.” Nathaniel Marshall...
Decentralism, Byung-Chul Han, and Cemeteries
“‘Living As Humans in A Machine Age’: Reflections on this Year’s Front Porch Republic Conference.” Dixie Dillon Lane reflects on last week’s conference and...
Suffering, Block Revitalization, and Faithful Presence
“Macedonia Morning.” Dana Wiser relates an inspiring account of a group of people committed to leading lives in the service of peace, despite the...
Food Economies, College Football, and Deceit
“The New Colonialist Food Economy.” If you don’t want your blood to boil, then don’t read Alexander Zaitchik’s essay on the colonial efforts of...
Luddites, Reading, and Selfies
I'll be out of town the second half of next week for a book launch event in NYC. Since I'll be on the road,...
Hermits, Homesickness, and Barbarians
“Inis Cealtra.” Paul Kingsnorth explains—sort of—what he’ll be writing about for the foreseeable future. What makes it challenging to explain is that he’s after...