Capital Offense
Washington, DC
I’ve been spending my semester in exile in our nation’s capital. My apartment is in Arlington, on a ridge overlooking the city. From...
Men of the World, Pick Up Your Brooms
Alexandra Bradner, a philosophy professor at the University of Kentucky, has a piece at The Atlantic on women's "second shifts." Noting that women, mothers in...
Barack Obama: Socialist?
Washington DC
When President Obama took office in 2009, many friends of capitalism were concerned that he would socialize our economy. Yet corporate profits have...
Scurrying toward Philly?
I have been engaged in a minor dust-up with my good friend Conor Dugan over reports that Notre Dame's Brian Kelly has been entertaining...
The New Domesticity
This is a highly confused article on the turn, particularly among women, to forms of "new domesticity." Its author, Emily Matchar, appears eager to deny...
Is America Too Big?
Is the United States dysfunctionally large, and thus destined to go the way of the giant radioactive ants once seen in old sci-fi movies? That’s...
Standing Athwart History Crying, “Me Too!”
The GOP strategists once again react to getting clobbered by calling for an embrace of their (alleged) opponents' policies. After all, if only Romney...
Finger Foods
Set in the heart of the Burned-Over District, the Finger Lakes region of New York is among the culturally, historically, and culinarily richest parts...
George McGovern, RIP
My 2006 profile/interview of the patriot from Mitchell, South Dakota:
Whither the Liberal Arts College? Or, Why Bloom’s Critique Doesn’t Matter
One sees signs of dètente in the academic wars that were highlighted by Allan Bloom’s Closing of the American Mind. At a more reflective...