
For Craft and Country: Richard Wakefield’s Eminent Domain

Richard Wakefield’s book of poems takes its place as one more important and hard-won advance in the restoration of good poetry to our culture.

God, Philosophy, Universities

Review of MacIntyre's book.

Global Citizens of the World: Fly!

How to feel good about yourself on $50,000 a day.

Humanity and Honor, Culture and Clarity

Sometimes when you sit in the pew you get the feeling that the preacher is talking to you. Of course, this impression is magnified...

Dilemmas of conservatism: start with the labeling…

A new book provides profiles of seminal conservative thinkers. But Lord, please, please don't read them through the outdated narrative of traditional cons, neocons, and laissez-faire cons.

Why Australia Needs a Renewed Culture of Natural Marriage

Human nature, innate human longings, human biology, and human history are all on your side.

In Praise of Gossip

Gossip, under the right circumstances, acts as a virtue which demonstrates concern and thickens social ties.

The Anti-Propaganda of Calvin Coolidge

In a wonderful little essay on Calvin Coolidge (Calvin Coolidge: Puritanism de Luxe) written in 1926, Walter Lippmann described the president as having...

Dan Mielke for Congress

There's an honest-to-god crunchy-con candidate in the northern Wisconsin woods.

T.S. Eliot on Community and Belief

I shall be giving a lecture on Eliot and Stoicism next week; FPR readers are invited.