Tag: artificial intelligence

Do Not Go Gentle Into That AI Night

What starts as a method to optimize reading, exercise, or relationships becomes an end in itself. The native physiological benefit of the morning walk or bed-making is overshadowed by appeasing the voice of Andrew Huberman or Jordan Peterson.

A.I. Doesn’t Cause Cheating. Fear Does.

Front Royal, VA. How do you catch a cheater? This is the question that is plaguing the minds of college and high school faculty...

Composition as the Art of Loading Brush

Instead, we have the opportunity to spur students to true and healing composition through the exercise of creativity, precision, care, and nuance. The best analytical writing assignments in the future may read a lot less like a traditional essay and more like poetry.

Cyber-Sophistry, or How ChatGPT Unmasks the Emptiness of AI

AI is the culmination of an ideological fantasy of elite control, woven into the very infrastructure of commonplace media technologies. When it gets used to talking to us, we may get used to talking to it, and at that moment, the legacy of human culture is at risk.

A Sabbath Reflection on Artificial Intelligence & the Human Body

Will we distance ourselves from machines that, like carnival attractions, buzz and ping and light up with those grand prizes of ease and efficiency so that we might remember Christ’s body by way of our bodies? Or will we offload our humanity to those devices that hate our embodied souls?

Centering Humanity in the Age of the Chatbot

Though the metaphor sounds alarmist, an unimaginable tsunami is barreling down on a complacent world. We may have time to adjust, who knows?

A Primer on Digital Thinking Part 3: Rise of the Robots?

Using money to measure a person’s worth is a product of an early version of the digital mindset that attempts to quantify all aspects of life.