Tag: Christianity
What are Hands For? Technology, Hands, and the Wounds of God
Christ touches. With his hands he heals the sick, opens mouths, unstops ears, blesses the children, and raises the dead. And ultimately it is the marks in Christ’s hands that fully and definitively reveal his true identity in his post-Resurrection appearance to Thomas. Christ himself, the enfleshed God, invites Thomas to put his hand into the hands that made the world and saved the world.
“And the Word Was Made Flesh”: Placing Ethnicity in the Gospels...
It is a recognition of the beauty and goodness of ethnic diversity combined with a message of universal love and mercy that should be at the heart of a true Christian politics.
The Monkey in the Margin: History, Tradition, and Transgression
he early scholastic notion of revelation was more dynamic than the modern one. Revelation does not occur, in the medieval understanding, once and for...
Learning to Distinguish between Demonic and Redemptive Technologies
In a recent essay for Christianity Today, “Do All Plants Go to Heaven?,” Abigail Murrish speculates that GMOs might be present in the New...
On Dreher’s Benedict Option, the Christians and Localists Who Can Live...
Rod Dreher and I aren't close friends, but like many Front Porch Regulars, I've been blessed with the opportunity to associate with and learn...
Soil and Sacrament in Certain Kinds of Cities
This past weekend here in Wichita, I participated in the Eighth Day Institute's symposium, Soil and Sacrament: The World as Gift; Rod Dreher has...
If the U.S. Were a Christian Nation, Would that Make Christianity...
Hillsdale, Michigan. The Paris killings a few weeks ago have unleashed a number of reflections about Islam and its tendency toward violence. Robert Tracinski...
No, I’m Not Charlie Martel, Either
Some time ago a number of my Facebook friends, some who even claimed to be practicing Catholics, changed their profile pictures on Facebook...
Local Wonderings in Wichita
Wichita, KS, is the home to a wonderful bookstore, Eighth Day Books. (Which isn't my favorite bookstore in Wichita, but that's partly because my...
The Loss of a Culture of Personhood and the End of...
Philadelphia, PA
The idea and practice of limited government begins with Christianity. Pagan antiquity could not imagine such a thing, because there was no distinction...