Tag: community
Memory and the Damming State
The family’s life in this village had come to an end when the lake was dammed in 1958. One wonders who would consider such things worth it.
The Unmaking and Making of Community
The following is a talk given at the annual conference of The Academy of Philosophy and Letters on June 16, 2012 in Baltimore, MD.
“Derrida’s Hope and Despair for Globalization”
Many FPR readers will enjoy "Derrida’s Hope and Despair for Globalization" in ANAMNESIS. Derrida is commonly interpreted as an enthusiast of globalization, but here...
Ciceronian Society Conference at UVA, March 29-31
FPR readers are invited to attend the coming Ciceronian Society Conference at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, March 29-31. All attendance to observe...
Traditionalist Critique of Marx and An Analysis of Hawthorne in ANAMNESIS
FPR readers will be interested in both (1) K.R. Bolton's traditionalist Conservative critique of Marx and Ideological-Capitalism and (2) Lee Trepanier's examination of the...
Mafia Among the Mountain Folk, Part II
“I don’t care if you bring the president of Peru and a thousand police—we’ll be carried out dead before you dig here!” Thus was...
Bruce Springsteen’s The Rising: Ten Years Down the Road
Springsteen’s music does indeed return to the things that are most important in an hour of crisis. But contrary to popular impressions, these things turn out to have very little to do with politics. They have everything to do with the humane values of tradition: love of family, friends, neighbors, and place.
Mafia Among the Mountain Folk
What ironies of fate converged that morning, such that a mob was about to come out on a march against us?
Community, Storytelling, and Remembering
And I'm certain my bovine stare was a dead giveaway that I found it troubling to imagine him wearing anything but a felt fedora while riding a horse named Hobby.