Tag: community

Beer and Civic Life

Claremont, CA. The news is dreadful: According to the Census, since 2006 we have been living in a republic where, for the first time...

A Partially Localist Defense of Public Schooling

Wichita, KS President Obama's speech last week on the various hopes and goals his administration has in mind as they address the issue of...

What the Fork; Or, Why You Should Not Eat the Person...

  Alexandria, VA . The causes of the current economic collapse have been widely discussed and minutely explored.  However, to date I do not believe...

It’s the Economy, Stupid

Los Angeles, CA At the risk of copyright infringement, I want to recommend a song of this title by John McCutcheon which appears on...

A Note on Immigration

South Bend, IN. Back here, in the city where the St. Joseph River takes her perpetual turn for the worse, my family and I...

“For all the Small Schools”: Or, It’s Hoosiers Time

'Tis the season to hie on down to the high school gym. Via First Principles, herewith my piece on Hoosiers, one of the...


CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Via Derbyshire, this Terry Teachout column makes an important observation that relates back to Derbyshire's criticism of the influence of talk radio and...

Freedom Among Themselves

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. E.D. Kain had a fine quote from Wendell Berry that provides a good definition of community to start any discussion of place and limits: A...