Tag: conservatism

Obama’s Small Town Values – Not

I posted this piece at What I Saw In America on Friday last; for any readers of both these sites, I apologize for the...

Letter from a Traditional Conservative

Devon, PA.  Upon reading an essay of Patrick Deneen's, a close and dear relative recently wrote me, protesting the uselessness of the terms "liberal" and "conservative." ...

Another Irrelevant Conversion

Many folks--including Rod and the guys at Plumb Lines, just to cite two from our own blogroll--have taken notice of Newt Gingrich's impending conversion...


Alexandria, VA. For many years now, "environmentalists" have sought to thwart the extension of forms of commerce and economic development that prove destructive of...

The Internet Won’t Feed You, and Neither Will We

Rod Dreher posts a letter from a young 'un asking about law school and farming.  Similarly, a commenter here last week asked: I have only ever...

David Brooks Does (In) Edmund Burke

SOUTH BEND, IN. Edmund Burke's reputation has suffered much among conservatives during the past few years. Russell Kirk, of course, held him up as...

Limbaugh vs. the Front Porch

DALLAS, TX. I am bemused, appalled, and fascinated -- more or less at the same time -- by the foofarah over Rush Limbaugh's CPAC...