Tag: conservatism
Abbeville Institute Summer School: “Understanding the South and the Southern Tradition.”
Many FPR readers may be interested in attending the Abbeville Institute's Eleventh Annual Summer School: "Understanding the South and the Southern Tradition." It will be...
Unsolicited Advice for the Republican Party
Hidden Springs Lane. It is clear that the GOP is in disarray. The recent CPAC conference only served to highlight that the Republicans are...
Do Conservatives Need to Belong to A Minority to Get an...
Jonathan Zimmerman thinks the answer is yes (thanks to John Fea):
At Columbia University, 650 employees wrote checks for the Obama campaign, while only 21...
Do You Have to be Old to be Conservative?
Most readers know the line (attributed to Winston Churchill, I believe), if you're not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart. And if...
The Politics of Gratitude: Scale, Place and Community in a Global...
Here is an excerpt from my recently published book: The Politics of Gratitude: Scale, Place and Community in a Global Age.
American politics is broken....
What’s Wrong with the Republican Party?
An ill-fitting presidential nominee led to an election loss. A better nominee might win next time--but is winning enough?
What’s Paleo About Evangelicalism?
The Baylor University historian, Thomas Kidd, wrote a post recently in his regular column at Patheos about evangelicals who are neither liberal nor comfortable...
Crazy Quilt Conservatism
Hidden Springs, VA.Last week the Washington Post ran a story titled “Rethinking the Classroom: Obama’s Overhaul of Public Education.” The piece described the various...
The Unmaking and Making of Community
The following is a talk given at the annual conference of The Academy of Philosophy and Letters on June 16, 2012 in Baltimore, MD.
Carbuncles, Bedbugs, Boils and Politics
To paraphrase an observation of Chesterton on the subjects of poets, silence and cheese: Political scientists have been mysteriously silent on the subject of soap,...