Tag: country life


Turbo burns in my imagination. But I can only imagine now in hypotheticals.

Silage and the Silence of the Corncrake

I’ve been talking to elderly friends here in the Irish countryside about what they used to do when the sun shone. The answer, of course, was that they made hay.

Ronald Blythe at 99: A Charitable Observer from Wormingford

What makes Blythe a joy to read is this rare combination of literary erudition, keen observation of both men and nature, and a reserved, peaceful piety. What is immediately apparent and most appealing about his work is his obvious care for everything he writes about.

Agrarianism Across the Pond: A Review of Richard Hawking’s At the...

For readers in North America, familiar as most of us are with the history our own agrarian tradition as well as our own “seismic shift in agriculture” from the work of Berry, there emerges much from the work of Hawking as well as Bell of which we should be reminded.

Agrarian Politics: Why I Care

Interest in agrarian politics can start in childhood. As feminists used to say, "The personal is political."