Tag: Donald Trump
The New Yorker’s Latest Contribution to Trumpian Populism
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. --George Orwell, Animal Farm
This past Thursday, I opened my mailbox and saw...
The Practice of Attachment and A Comprehensive Social Order
Shortly after Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, Columbia University professor Mark Lilla took to the pages of the New York Times to offer...
Trump: America’s Father-in-Chief?
Donald Trump has been called many things in the press in the first six months of his presidency, yet the media have thus far...
From the Nut House (And Into the Nut House) the Bar...
They should be required to share a double bed and commit adultery with each other every night—twice if possible.
Trump: America’s First Black Friday President
Like many Americans I’ve struggled to put the election of 2016 in proper perspective the last few weeks, only to arrive at an unexpected...
The Triumph of “Buchananism”
Although President-Elect Donald Trump may have been insincere, when he insisted that he was only the "messenger" and not the personal cause of his...
After the second, town hall-styled presidential debate pundits raved, and perhaps rightly so, about Hilary Clinton’s ability to handle the format. The former first...
Trump in Context
Sioux Center, Iowa. In what he represents, Donald Trump is not as unique as either his admirers or his despisers think.
How do we explain...