Tag: faith

The Knight of Faith: Franz Jägerstätter’s Hidden Life

In the midst of whatever trials come to us and whatever revelations do not, we are still called to serve, to do good, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. And to believe in the voice that may not choose to speak to us, to hold fast to the goodness given to our beloved but unseen by everyone else—that is the vocation of faith for many of us.

Nisi Crederet, non Caperet

Beauty is the beginning and end of all true knowledge: really to know, one must first love, and having known, one must finally delight; only this “corresponds” to the Trinitarian love and delight that creates.

Friends and Strangers: A Meditation on Money

I start my meditation with a true story that will serve as a parable. On his 21st birthday, the nature writer Francis Thompson was...

A Brief History of Time Wasted.

The Ninth Anniversary of 9/11/01; Three Squared Equals Zero in the New American Math.

Personality, Conversion, and Being: On John Paul II’s “Fides et Ratio”

The Reader Objects!: If God is Personal and Loving above all, if the Christian believes reason is fundamentally preceded by what is revealed in Faith, then what grounds has the Christian for speaking to the non-Christian? What hope for meaningful dialogue have we if Caritas precedes and envelops all?

When Friendship and Fellowship Collide

Less happy for mother is the reality that the single soul, resulting from this communion of two bodies, receives nourishment from single-malt.