Tag: family
My Àntonia at One Hundred
Willa Cather is the quintessential novelist of the American prairie. That distinction comes to her first because she spent her formative years on the...
And Then Came The Chickens—After the Bobcat: A Dispatch
Heaven favored me with three successive clement weekends.
Two Last Suppers and Ordinary Greatness: A Double Eulogy
What are the compensations on the downhill side of life?
Living These Relationships, Every Day
"Therefore, it is clear that the care of the household concerns human beings more than material property..."
Aristotle, Politics
"Here Aristotle infers that the chief aim...
Branding Disaster
Earlier this year, after the Charlie Hebdo shootings, I reflected on the conversations that may or may not ensue from the changing of a...
The End We Imagine
I recently had a chance to watch the film The Giver. Sometimes we get films early, sometimes late, sometimes at the same time as...
A Man’s Home Is His Castle
Hidden Springs Lane. After too long, I finally got around to watching The Castle (1997), a film recommended by FPR’s Jeff Polet. It’s a...
The Night of Susurrant Voices
God didn't put twelve months on the calendar so we could work them all.