Tag: food

The American Food System’s Very Bad Legacy

There’s little appetite for a response that begins with taking up our axes to clear the land for something better.

Hope for a Humane Agricultural Future: A Review of Saying NO...

The ecomodernist approach of Regenesis relies on a mechanistic understanding of humanity. The presumption is that humans are merely fleshy machines that can adapt to flourish in any environment as long as their basic material needs are met. That doesn’t match with most people’s experience of life.

In Praise of the Humble Slow Cooker

One easy solution is the crockpot. Why? You can throw in some basic ingredients in the morning before work or school, and then when you get home in the evening, you have a hot meal waiting. Bonus: the house will smell really good when you walk in. What’s not to love?

Let us Feast!

Time and time again, in both mythic and recorded history, humans have celebrated the passing of a hardship by gathering together in merriment with good food and drink and song.

Food and “the job of getting it there”

In Charles Frazier’s 1997 novel Cold Mountain, a minister’s daughter decides after her father’s death to remain on their western North Carolina farm, rather...

Loneliness, Rural College Students, and More

It's been a busy first week on the remodeled porch, and we have an excellent lineup of new essays coming next week. For now,...

The Holy Earth and Liberty Hyde Bailey’s Front Porch Cred

He wrote sixty-five books and had a hand in another hundred and thirty-five.

Why Everyone Should Plant Seeds This Week

“Of the art of acquisition then there is one kind which by nature is a part of the management of a household, in...

Oneself as Another in the Controlled Burn: A Dispatch

Low flames and smoke and visions of the eschaton.

A Little Home Cooking

Richmond, VA I do not think it outrageous, every now and then, to despair for the future of cooking in this country. Not all the...