Tag: localism
Preserving Local Culture
Last Sunday I sat on the church porch, smoked my pipe and listened as some of our musicians played their guitars and mandolins. One...
What is American?
While there is much work to be done and there are no guarantees of success, we don’t have to look far for the foundations upon which to build. They are all around us.
Kingsley Amis (!) On the Priesthood
Then it’s a bit up to you to be jolly crusty and jolly full of hell-fire and sin and damnation.
Technique and Food: Why our Local Food System does not Feed...
Here are the local puzzle pieces that we somehow need to fit together: great farms; committed, hard working farmers; a university of world class researchers; a highly participatory local political system; obesity; unemployment; lack of food processing capacity; plentiful fresh food that doesn't reach our plates; farmers going out of business; and fundraisers to buy farmland that people can't farm.
In Praise of Gossip
Gossip, under the right circumstances, acts as a virtue which demonstrates concern and thickens social ties.
Knowing One’s Place at the Ballot Box
The prevailing model of local voting has deep defects, which often work against strong communities. The modern standard is one person, one vote, one place. While this standard is simple, it leads to outcomes that run against common sense.
A Shameless Plug
Should you have, for some reason, an interest in goings-on in the world of philanthropy and civil society, I invite you to lumber on on over to Philanthropy Daily.
A Note on Right, Left, and Lasch at the Present Time
If Lasch couldn't express a way for leftists and localists to speak the same language, perhaps no one can.
Big Societies, Christian Communities, and Tories (Red or Otherwise)
Whatever the results of the British election, the Red Tory ideal remains promising...and yet, absent a robust civic religion, also probably wanting.