Tag: localism
The Big (Organic) Apple
Claremont, CA. The Big Apple dreams of the organic apple.
Everywhere you look in The New York Times these days, somebody is talking about organic...
John Calvin and the Land of Chocolate
Readers of FPR will be readily forgiven if they have yet to reserve any time this year to celebrate the 500th anniversary of John...
The 3/50 Project
It's not a difficult argument to understand. You have a responsibility to your community because, among other things, you are not your own. So...
Meritocracy, Urban Design, and Culture: Observations from a Friend
PHOENIX, ARIZONA. (Note: this post has two pages, thanks to webmaster Lundy's new-and-improved FPR technology.) I am gratified by the many responses, here and...
How Germany Made Us “Conservative”
Wichita, KS. Fifteen years ago, when my wife and I got married, we had a lot of inchoate ideas and aspirations, many of which...
Does the Way of Improvement Lead Home?
First, let me extend my greetings to the readers of the Front Porch Republic. I have been following conversations here at FPR since...
No Going Back…So Where Are We Going?
The idealism of the paleoconservative cause is simply too burdened by the idealism of its vision. Politics is not a time machine and...
The Populist Farmer, Revisited
Via John Schwenkler, I see that Norman Borlaug has just celebrated his 95th birthday. Borlaug, a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, is one...
Localism vs. Globalism
Mark Thompson has penned a challenging broadside against skeptics of free trade, including me, and he makes a number of arguments that deserve...