Tag: monarchy
What is American?
While there is much work to be done and there are no guarantees of success, we don’t have to look far for the foundations upon which to build. They are all around us.
Monarchy and the American Constitution
The American Constitution, as it was originally written and understood, is the most monarchical-democratic document in the modern world.
Monarchy and Regalism
A thing without proper limits becomes its own opposite, and benevolence quickly becomes a tyranny which threatens both civil and religious order.
Why I am a Monarchist
herefore, it behooves me to cut directly to the chase, and state very clearly why I am a monarchist: “I am a monarchist because I am a democrat.”
It’s the Land, Stupid
I'll take the old gal with a few well-earned wrinkles that fit soft and snug like a favorite glove. It's the land, stupid, and boy is she a thing of stunning beauty.