Tag: tea party
Not Even on the Radar
In a small attempt to connect political theory to actual power, last week I sent messages to some GOP members of the U.S. Senate...
Harassed by the IRS? Don’t be Surprised.
Hidden Springs Lane. Americans have recently learned that certain groups seeking non-profit status were subjected to, ahem, "heightened scrutiny" by the IRS. It seems...
Libertarian Solutions to Communal Difficulties
Devon, PA. R.R. Reno writes on the First Things website this morning,
I’m no libertarian. St. Paul was clear that government is ordained by God,...
The Tea Party and the TSA
The idea that the best way to reform government is to simply say "No!" is probably a bad idea...but for the TSA, I'll make an exception.
Porch Banter
Michael Gerson's column this morning seems a likely candidate to spur some friendly discussion on the Porch.
The Games They Play
This year the House has come together to support national pollinator week, national dairy month, and national train day.
Does Kauffman count as good Good Friday reading?
Fr. Michael Orsi reviews Kauffman's Luther Martin, and finds wisdom therein.