Tag: Wendell Berry
Technological Failures, New Localism, and More
Each week, I’ll try to post links to recent essays and stories that might interest Porchers. If you have additional essays to recommend, please...
Reviving the Conversation on the Porch
I’m honored and excited to be joining the Front Porch Republic in a more official capacity and taking over the editorial duties for this...
Does Wendell Berry Have Rose-Colored Glasses?
Given the unpopular and uncompromising stands that Wendell Berry takes, it’s only natural that many readers fiercely disagree with him. Some of these disagreements...
The Seer: Seeing Through Wendell Berry’s Eyes
Laura Dunn’s The Seer: A Portrait of Wendell Berry (later retitled Look & See) begins with the blurred lights of cars speeding along freeways and the...
The Holy Earth and Liberty Hyde Bailey’s Front Porch Cred
He wrote sixty-five books and had a hand in another hundred and thirty-five.
Wendell Berry Opts Out of the ‘Culture of Violence’
Our Only World: Ten Essays. By Wendell Berry. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2015.
In January of 2012, Wendell Berry delivered a speech at Georgetown College that explained...