Tag: Wendell Berry
The Homeless Modern
The disposition that characterizes the modern mind--a disposition that favors as its ideal a skeptical “view from nowhere,”--serves to undermine the very elements that make community possible.
Beyond Capitalism and Socialism: Rebuilding an American Economy Focused on Family...
In light of the the economic crisis - and the bright light it sheds on the failings of modern capitalism - there is a need to reconsider older arguments of a "Third Way," a social and economic system that in important respects would be neither capitalist nor socialist.
Exploiting Antiquities
To him, the created world is merely “resources” and fodder for “job creation.”
The Roots of Originality
It is only our own town or neighborhood that is specific enough, and someday knowable enough, to enable a capable writer's imagination to imagine it clear and whole.
Fifty Dollar Tomato
Hillsdale, MI. When I first thought about writing this it was the “Ten Dollar Tomato.” But historians are more or less required to tell...
The Stories We Tell…
Philadelphia, PA. If you have read just one of Wendell Berry’s novels or short stories, then you have glimpsed this Kentucky farmer’s love for family,...
The Final Word On Cell Phones
Rock Island, IL
In the early days of FPR, and then again more recently, I was impertinent enough to write disparaging remarks about cell phones,...
Dirt, Dollars, and Devices
Holland, MI. I confess: I hate farms. I hate everything about them. I hate the malodorous smells that take days to wash off. I...
A Long, Long Row
“Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world. Thus have...